Alerces Daily School Schedule

The daily school schedule at Alerces supports creativity and growth. Every day at Alerces Spanish Preschool & Kindergarten, the children and teachers spend a lot of time outside exploring nature, gathering natural materials for arts and crafts and letting their curious mind shape the learning journey for the day. We guide our students through play-based learning following the child's lead and incorporate all subjects, such as math, literacy and building social skills through cooperative play and real life adventures.


Morning Preschool and Kindergarten Program

Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 11:30pm

Full Day Preschool and Kindergarten

Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 3:30pm


Daily Schedule

7:30: Before Care Starts

8:30: Students Arrive

8:45: School Starts

11:30: Half Day Student Pick-up

11:45: Lunch

1:00: Naps

3:30: Student Pick-up

5:30: After Care Ends


 Everything is possible, even the impossible.

Mary Poppins


Student Arrival

Routine is very important for children to thrive. Teachers greet students as they arrive. Children put on their indoor shoes, place backpacks and jackets in their designated area and go to their classroom for morning circle time.


Lunch Time

Children eat lunch together every day where they practice life skills like setting the table, unpacking their own lunch and helping to clear the tables and chairs. Parents are encouraged to pack a healthy, nutritious lunch to aid in their children's learning. Alerces is a nut-free environment and is mindful of children’s allergies and food sensitivities.


Naps for Preschoolers

Children sleep in a quiet space with soothing music and caring staff to comfort them to sleep as needed. Sleeping mats are provided for each child, but we recommend that children bring their favourite blanket to make the environment more comfortable and familiar.


Student Pick-Up

Although children are excited to see their parents at the end of the day, we request that parents collect their children’s belongings before picking up their child. Children will only be released to individuals on the authorized pick-up list.